Orliman Shoulder And Arm Immobilizer Sling

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Model: C-41
Size: Size 2
Sale price145.29 AEDVAT Inclusive
Description: Support made from velour with a shape for the forearm, wrapping around it and fastening onto (see more...)

Support made from velour with a shape for the forearm, wrapping around it and fastening onto itself allowing height regulation. Extended with two bands on each side of the shoulders, which run over the back and fasten on the forearm with Velcro. It has an additional wide, 15cm, shoulder immobilizer band for subluxations or luxations of the scapulohumeral articulation and when strong immobilization is required.

Features And Benefits:

Indications: Subluxations of the shoulder. Mild shoulder injuries.

Technical Details:
  <38 >38

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