The Velpeau C-44 orthosis, is indicated in the conservative treatment of humerus neck fractures, is made of a single piece in the form of a harness, where an anatomically designed pad fits the affected shoulder above and is connected to material surrounding the affected forearm. It is manufactured in one piece of poromax-based fabric in a grid type arrangement.
• Indications:
Immobilisation of dislocations of the acromioclavicular joint. Conservative treatment of humeral neck fractures. Non-displaced and non-joint scapula fractures, anterior shoulder dislocation. Conservative treatment of humeral head and lesser tuberosity, acute scapulo-humeral periarthritis. Immobilisation of the shoulder after the inflammatory phase. Rheumatism, rheumatoid polyarthritis.
SIZES | 1 | 2 | 3 |
CONTOUR OF THE TRUNK PLUS THE ARM | <95 | 95-110 | >110 |