Knee braces help protect the knee. It helps after surgery or while recovering from an injury. Braces can help you feel safe and confident.
Knee implants are often recommended during rehabilitation after injury or surgery. Wearing braces can encourage tissue healing, as it usually takes a long time for knees to heal. Using knee braces to prevent further injury provides support and can help control motion in the joint.
Types of knee supports
Some of the major design differences between the different types of knee supports include:
Full sleeves
These support all areas around the knee. It is easy to install and holds great heat. Gloves are generally cheaper and better for people with mild knee pain. However, it is not the best method for moderate knee pain or injury recovery.
Open sleeve aids
These units are designed with a support and hole in the front to reduce pressure on the top of the knee. It is best suited for people whose pain is greatest just in front of the knee.
Fasten the knee aids
As the name suggests, these wrap around the knee, usually using a bandage. Instead of one size, they can be adjusted to fit different bodies and sizes. These products are good if the knee is swollen due to injury. Sometimes this support is opened forward to reduce knee strain, sometimes it is completely closed. Because of its adjustable size, there is no need for complicated measurements.
Injuries and knees don’t have to limit your life. With knee braces, elbows, and a variety of supports, you can regain your ability to move and enjoy your favorite activities.
From Injury to Recovery: How Knee Supports Can Help